back to school forms


I hope the summer has been relaxing and restful!! Keep your eyes open as this information is also coming in the mail!

As we make final preparations for the 2024-2025 school year we extend a warm welcome to everyone. This fall I will continue to spend much of my time getting to know the building, the school community and working collectively to learn and support your children. As we work to navigate the times ahead we will continue to work together and to regularly communicate information to you. Much of the information shared below will help us help you and your child during the upcoming school year!

Teachers, support staff, counselors, custodians, bus drivers, and cafeteria workers are superheroes working hard to ensure a successful return to school on September 5. The start of the school year is always a special time, with new students and faculty, new relationships, new learning, and exciting conversations beginning after the summer months. We are fortunate to welcome a few new faculty/staff members this academic year; their diverse areas of expertise will build upon the fantastic work taking place here at Saint Regis Falls. Right now we know that there will be a few additional staff members joining us. We will introduce them within upcoming newsletters.

There are many reasons to be excited about the new year with numerous things underway to embrace the belief that all students can learn. Your child’s 2024-2025 teacher/schedule is also accessible through the SchoolTool portal. Schedules should be accessible early next week. If you need help with SchoolTool please reach out to me or to the school.

The summer mailing has items that need to be signed and returned. I've worked to also make them available online.

  • **Transportation Form- This form is available here or on the sheet included in the mailing. We need this information ASAP to be able to set up our bus routes. Thank You!!

  • Saint Regis Falls CSD Student/Parent Contact Information Sheet-This is only in your mailing and is what we currently have in our portal. Please review the information on this sheet that was sent by mail making any corrections or signing to indicate it is correct. Given the information, the paper form needs to be turned in at the back to school bash or to the homeroom on the first day of school. It is important to have your accurate information as this is the information we use to communicate with you.

  • Saint Regis Falls CSD Health Intake Form- This form guides us on the health care needs of your child. It is very important that you complete this form in its paper form with accurate information so that we can support your child if anything happens. Given the information, the paper form needs to be turned in at the back to school bash or to homeroom on the first day of school.

  • 2024-2025 Residency Questionnaire- This helps to determine what needs are present within the district/building. Please have your child return the form at the back to school bash, the first day or complete the form linked here.

  • Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)/Provision 2 Household Income Eligibility Form- By filling this out, you help the district apply for grant funding for free meals/milk (which we have this year!!), scholastic and extracurricular activities. This is a paper form that needs to be returned. Return it at the back to school bash or to teachers/homeroom on the first day of school.

  • Technology Acceptable Use- The St. Regis Falls Central School District is providing your child a device to access its educational technology resources. With this educational technology opportunity also comes responsibility. Parents/Guardians are responsible for setting and conveying acceptable standards that the child should follow. Please review these guidelines, contact the office with questions.

    Return the form at the back to school bash or to the homeroom on the first day of school or fill out the form here.

  • Student Handbook- The school handbook is located on the website under the parent/community section and located here. The handbook contains an overview of the school year, the school rules, and other tips for children. Fill out the form and return it at back to school bash, to the homeroom on the first day of school or fill out the form linked here.

Opt-Outs: Please sign and turn in ONLY if you DO NOT want your child to participate in field trips/activities or have their picture taken.

  • Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Instruction-As part of the sequential health education program for all pupils, grades K- 12. Such instruction shall be designed to provide accurate information to pupils concerning the nature of the disease, methods of transmission, and methods of prevention and shall stress abstinence as the most appropriate prevention method consistent with community values.

  • Field Trip and Media Consent- There are several opportunities during the school year that we work to take children on field trips, both walking within our community and more broadly. We also love to display the great work happening here. However if you don’t want your child’s picture to be posted please let us know.

Also attached are the Code of Conduct, Major and Minor Infraction Matrices and the Athletic Handbook. Please let us know if you have any questions about these documents!

As a note-there are no supply lists this year! We are grateful for the generosity of the community in helping us to make sure that every student has what they need to succeed! Supplies can be picked up, lockers can be found and set up at the 2024 Back to School Bash on August 28 from 1 pm - 4 pm. Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten orientation will be 11 am - 1 pm before the event. The goal of orientation is to meet the teachers and go through the routines that our youngest saints will be learning!

We are excited about all that this new school year has to offer. I look forward to working together to ensure that children are provided with the best educational experience possible.

Please reach out with questions. Thank you for your continued support!


Amanda Zullo

PreK-12 Principal

24-25 Code of Conduct

Minor Infractions Matrix 24-25

Major Infractions Matrix 24-25

Student Athlete Handbook